الفصل الأكاديمي بطلي 402 Reddit Spoilers and Release Date

TL;دكتور: الفصل 401 showcased Stain’s encounter with All For One, leading to a dramatic showdown between heroes and villains. الفصل 402, the climax of the battle, من المقرر إطلاقه في أكتوبر 2, 2023, leaving fans worldwide in anticipation of its outcome.

The previous chapter of Boku no Hero Academia, which is Chapter 401, started with Stain talking about how he arrived at the scene. He found All For One’s blood on some debris and hoped that All Might got his message. All Might later confirmed this in his thoughts.

The two vigilantes were getting ready to confront and stop All For One. But the bad guy used a tactic called Forced Quirk Activation to get rid of his own blood through Bloodlet. This messed up his blood, so Stain couldn’t control him anymore. All For One knew Stain would interfere and threw him away, leaving All Might behind.

All For One praised Stain for influencing Tomura and the League. Then he hit Stain hard and stole his Quirk. Just as All Might arrived, All For One shot a powerful laser, but Hercules stopped it temporarily.

As fans eagerly wait for My Hero Academia chapter 402, we don’t know exactly what it will be about until we get real spoilers. But we do have official release info for the next chapter.

الفصل الأكاديمي بطلي 402 will probably be the last or second-to-last chapter of the big fight between All Might and All For One. It comes out on Monday, اكتوبر 2, 2023, في 12:00 am JST. For international fans, it should be available on Sunday, اكتوبر 1, 2023, depending on where you live.

You can read it on different platforms, like MANGAPlus, Viz Media’s site, or Shonen Jump+ app. Please note that the mentioned release date above is the release of the chapter in japan. If you’re not residing in Japan, check out the release times in different time zones below:

وحدة زمنية Release Time
PST اكتوبر 1 في 8:00 أكون
شرق اكتوبر 1 في 11:00 أكون
بتوقيت غرينيتش اكتوبر 1 في 3:00 مساءً
CET اكتوبر 1 في 4:00 مساءً
هو اكتوبر 1 في 8:30 مساءً
بي إتش تي اكتوبر 1 في 11:00 مساءً
توقيت اليابان اكتوبر 2 في 12:00 أكون
ACST اكتوبر 2 في 1:30 أكون

ختاماً, الفصل 401 of My Hero Academia brought us a tense moment with Stain and All For One’s confrontation, revealing the clever tactics employed by the villain. The battle between All Might and All For One continues to escalate, ترك المشجعين على حافة مقاعدهم. The fate of these iconic characters hangs in the balance as we eagerly anticipate the release of Chapter 402.

عن المؤلف

بيلي هو من محبي الأنمي المهووسين. يحب قراءة المانغا ومشاهدة الرسوم المتحركة في أوقات فراغه. سلسلة الأنمي والمانغا المفضلة لديه هي One Piece وHunter x Hunter.