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Spoilers for Chapter 1016 of One Piece Manga Leaks Online

Wie erwartet, the spoilers for the upcoming One Piece Chapter 1016 by Eiichiro Oda have already been leaked online. The first spoilers were spotted on Reddit, where One Piece fans are flocking and excited to see the next event for the manga series.

According to the leaked One Piece Chapter 1016 Spoiler, the upcoming chapter of the manga series is titledIt’s Tama”, suggesting that most of the pages of the chapter will be covering some action, especially for Tama.

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Here’s the summary of the leaked spoilers for the next chapter:

  • CP-0 says since when the Pleasures and Waiters switched sides, the number is now 20,000 fighters on the Kaido VS 7,000 fighters on the samurai side.
  • Nami faces Ulti. With the help of Zeus, Nami won the fight.
  • Usopp picks up Bao Huang and tells Tama that she should talk to the entire island using the enemy’s power.
  • Yamato told Kaido that she is going to sea with Luffy. Aber vorher, she said that they are going to kick Kaido out of the Wano Country.
  • The final page shows a Haki as Yamato and Kaido clashed with each other.

And that’s all for the leaked spoilers One Piece manga spoilers. The official manga chapter will be released on Sunday, Juni 13, 2021. Be the first to read the manga by visiting the official distributors such as Nämlich Medien und Manga Mehr.

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.