Kingdom anime

Kingdom Anime Season 3 Fecha de lanzamiento anunciada

Kingdome Season 3 anime has just been announced along with its premiere date.

Initially reported by YonkoProductions on Twitter, Kingdom anime is finally getting its third season. Kingdom was first aired in June 2012, followed by the second season that was released in 2014.

Unlike the other anime out there that are popular worldwide, most of the Kingdom’s fan base are found in Japan. En realidad, the Kingdom is one of the anime series that can compete with My Hero Academia.

Reino / Shin

Ahora, Studio Pierrot has officially Anunciado the Kingdom Season 3 and is planned to release on April 2020. Details about the series are yet to be revealed but similar to the other anime series, Temporada del Reino 3 will continue the story based on the manga timeline.

Are you ready to follow Shin and his journey in the Kingdom Season 3?

Sobre el Autor

Billy es un fanático del anime.. Le encanta leer manga y ver anime durante su tiempo libre.. Sus series de anime y manga favoritas son One Piece y Hunter x Hunter..