Vigilante de las sombras

Controles del teclado de PC de Shadow Watcher

Bluecharm has officially released their newest action-adventure game, Vigilante de las sombras. The game follows a female protagonist as she defeats the forces of darkness that destroyed the peace on the continent. En esta guía, we will show you the complete list of Shadow Watcher controls to help you with your journey.

Shadow Watcher Controls

Habilidad1, 2, 3, 4
Skill MoviePAGS
MovimientosW A S D
PrisaShift izquierdo
AgacharseCtrl izquierdo
Quick Use ItemF
Saltobarra espaciadora
AtaqueBoton izquierdo del raton
DefensaBotón derecho del mouse
LockingBotón central del ratón
Shadow Watcher Controls

You can also refer to the Shadow Watcher controls screenshot below:

And this is everything you need to know about the Shadow Watcher controls and shortcuts. ¿Tiene alguna sugerencia para mejorar esta guía?? Siéntase en la libertad de dejar un comentario.

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