Zone zéro sans zen

Genshin Impact Creator lance un site de compte à rebours pour Zenless Zone Zero

Le développeur Genshin Impact vient de lancer un site Web de compte à rebours pour son dernier jeu vidéo à venir, intitulé Zenless Zone Zero. Dès l'instant, les détails sur Zenless Zone Zero sont encore inconnus car le site Web du teaser ne montre que peu ou pas d'indice du tout.

Pendant que HoYover, anciennement connu sous le nom de MiHoYo, is yet to reveal the full details, the official Zenless Zone Zero has confirmed that new information will be coming on May 13, 2022.

Zone zéro sans zen

On the countdown website for Zenless Zone Zero, you will see an interactable TV where you can watch and hear different things about the game. Chaque jour, the details that are being shown on the interactive TV change. Alors, you might want to check the Zenless Zone Zero website everyday to learn more details about the game. You can also check the date’s progress by clicking the calendar found beside the TV.

You can check the Zenless Zone Zero countdown website ici. You can also follow their official social media platforms by clicking the floating social icon on the lower right of the screen.

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