Comment définir le GPU AMD par défaut sous Windows 10?

To set an AMD graphics card as the default graphics card in Windows 10, vous pouvez suivre ces étapes:

  1. Ouvrez le menu Démarrer et tapez “Paramètres graphiques” into the search bar.
  2. Clique sur le “Paramètres graphiques” option that appears in the search results.
  3. Clique sur le “Parcourir” button and navigate to the application you want to use with your AMD graphics card.
  4. Click on the application and select “Ajouter” to add it to the list of applications that will use the AMD graphics card.
  5. Clique sur le “Choix” button next to the application you just added and selectHigh performancefrom the dropdown menu. This will set the AMD graphics card as the default for that application.

Alternativement, you can also use the AMD Radeon settings to set the default graphics card. Pour faire ça:

  1. Open the AMD Radeon settings by right-clicking on the desktop and selectingAMD Radeon Settingsfrom the context menu.
  2. In the Radeon settings window, aller à la “Système” onglet et cliquez sur le “Graphiques commutables” option.
  3. Select the application you want to use with your AMD graphics card and set it to “Haute performance” using the dropdown menu. This will set the AMD graphics card as the default for that application.

How do I switch between graphics cards in Windows 10?

  • To switch between graphics cards in Windows 10, you can use the AMD Radeon settings to switch between the integrated and dedicated graphics card. Pour faire ça: Open the AMD Radeon settings by right-clicking on the desktop and selectingAMD Radeon Settingsfrom the context menu. In the Radeon settings window, aller à la “Système” onglet et cliquez sur le “Graphiques commutables” option. Select the application you want to use with your AMD graphics card and set it to “Haute performance” using the dropdown menu. This will set the AMD graphics card as the default for that application.

Can I use both my integrated and dedicated graphics card at the same time in Windows 10?

  • Oui, you can use both your integrated and dedicated graphics card at the same time in Windows 10. This is known ashybrid graphics” ou “switchable graphics.To use both graphics cards, you can use the AMD Radeon settings to switch between the integrated and dedicated graphics card. Pour faire ça: Open the AMD Radeon settings by right-clicking on the desktop and selectingAMD Radeon Settingsfrom the context menu. In the Radeon settings window, aller à la “Système” onglet et cliquez sur le “Graphiques commutables” option. Select the application you want to use with your AMD graphics card and set it to “Haute performance” using the dropdown menu. This will set the AMD graphics card as the default for that application.

Why is my AMD graphics card not being used in Windows 10?

  • There are several reasons why your AMD graphics card may not be being used in Windows 10. Some common reasons include: the graphics card is not properly installed or configured, the graphics card is not compatible with your version of Windows, the graphics card is not being recognized by the operating system, or the graphics card is being used by another application. Pour résoudre ce problème, you can try updating the graphics card drivers, checking for compatibility issues, and making sure the graphics card is set as the default in the Graphics Settings.

How do I optimize my AMD graphics card for gaming in Windows 10?

  • To optimize your AMD graphics card for gaming in Windows 10, vous pouvez suivre ces étapes: Open the AMD Radeon settings by right-clicking on the desktop and selectingAMD Radeon Settingsfrom the context menu. In the Radeon settings window, aller à la “Jeux” onglet et cliquez sur le “Global Settings” option. Sélectionnez le “Global Graphicssettings and adjust the settings to your desired levels. Vous pouvez également utiliser le “Global Overdrivesettings to optimize the performance of your AMD graphics card. En outre, you can use theGlobal Wattmansettings to overclock your AMD graphics card for even better performance.

A propos de l'auteur

Blogueur de jeux, parachutiste et mère de 2. Écrivain à temps partiel et aussi joueur. A partir de maintenant, Je joue uniquement à des jeux sur mon PC. Mais qui sait, Je pourrais avoir une PS4 un jour.