Game of Thrones Season 8: What does Dracarys Mean? Missandei Shouted Before Dying May 6, 2019 Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 is out and one of the most intense scenes in this episode is the horrifying deaths of…
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Spoilers: Another Devastating Deaths May 6, 2019 If you’re haven’t watched the latest Game of Thrones just yet and don’t want to get spoiled, move away and stay off this article….
Battle of Winterfell Will Look Like a Filler Once Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 Releases May 3, 2019 The Battle of Winterfell is done and while everyone thinks that it is already a good episode, Emilia Clarke, who is currently playing as Daenerys…
What Did Jon Snow Screamed During The Battle of Winterfell in GOT Season 8 Episode 3? May 2, 2019 While everyone thinks that Jon Snow has pointlessly screamed at the undead dragon and dubbed him as an idiot, there’s apparently a reason why…
Jon Snow Wasn’t Just Screaming In Front of the Ice Dragon In Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 May 1, 2019 Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 is already out and if you haven’t watched it yet, then be aware that this post contains…