How to Host or Join a Multiplayer in Out of Orbit

A step to step guide how to host or join a multiplayer game.

Host a multiplayer game

  1. Open Out Of Orbit.
  2. Click on Play.
  3. Click on Multiplayer.
  4. Click on Create.
  5. Insert your public IP address (Including dots) and insert an available port number. Make sure to port forward this port. Otherwise, multiplayer won’t work.
  6. Click on Next.
  7. Select or Create a character.
  8. Select or Create a spaceship.
  9. Click on start or click on load.
  10. Server is now up and running. Other players can join.

Join a multiplayer game

  1. Open Out Of Orbit.
  2. Click on Play.
  3. Click on Multiplayer.
  4. Click on Join.
  5. Select or create a character.
  6. Fill in the host Public IP (including dots) address and port number.
  7. Click on Join.
  8. If the host set up everything properly then you joined the game.
This guide about Out of Orbit was written by Out of Orbit Developer. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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