COLPEVOLEZZA: I controlli e le scorciatoie immortali

Following the success of Outer Brain StudiosVR game released in 2017, the video game development company has returned with its newest soul-like action game, Guilt: L'Immortale. You will be facing a lot of foes in the game, which is why you should definitely become familiar with the Guilt: The Deathless controls. Whether you’re using your mouse and keyboard or a gamepad controller to play the game, we’re here to give you all the control details that you need to know.

Read on as we guide you through the complete list of Guilt: The Deathless key bindings and control shortcuts. Guilt: The Deathless will be available for early access in April 2022. Developer Outer Brain Studios will let you experience the game by playing the demo version that you can download qui.

COLPEVOLEZZA: The Deathless Controls

Prima di iniziare, keep in mind that you can always change and remap these default GUILT: The Deathless controls in the settings section of the game.

Andare avantiW
Muovere a sinistraUN
Vai a destraD
Attacco leggeroTasto sinistro del mouse
Attacco pesantePulsante centrale del mouse
Block ShieldPulsante destro del mouse
SchivareBarra spaziatrice
Usa l'oggettoR
Blocco suQ
Lock Next LeftRotellina del mouse in alto
Lock Next RightRotellina del mouse verso il basso
Scambia arma1
Swap Shield2
Cycle Item3
Lanciare un incantesimoF
Activate InspirationX
Map EnterSpazio
Menù di pausaEsc
COLPEVOLEZZA: The Deathless Controls

A parte il supporto per tastiera e mouse, you can also enjoy playing GUILT: The Deathless Controls using a controller. Here are the default in-game button bindings using the gamepad controller.

Attacco leggeroRB
Attacco pesanteRT
Block ShieldLIBBRE
Schivare / SprintB
Usa l'oggettoX
InventarioPulsante Menù
Blocco suR3
Scambia armaY
Cycle ItemD-Pad Su
Lanciare un incantesimoLT
Activate InspirationL3
MovimentoLevetta analogica sinistra
COLPEVOLEZZA: The Deathless Gamepad Controls

With all the listed GUILT: The Deathless key bindings and shortcuts above, you’re now ready to start your new journey. Feel free to leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments below.

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