Un pezzo

Episodio di un pezzo 939 Data di rilascio

The Straw Hat Pirates and their adventure in the Wano Country Arc continuous is Episodio di un pezzo 939. While their plans have been spoiled due to the intel that reached Orochi, it seems that an important person will be making a farewell in the anime series. Nella puntata precedente, fans have witnessed the identity of Yasue, and it turns that he’s the father of Toko.

Attualmente, Toko is running towards the capital where his father’s execution will take place. Will they be able to save Yasue? Let’s find out once the new episode of One Piece anime series goes live.

Episodio di un pezzo 393

Episodio di un pezzo 939 Dettagli streaming

Data dell'aria: agosto 30, 2020, a 8:30 SONO (JST)
Titolo dell'episodio: The Straw Hats Run! Save the Captive Tonoyasu!
Sinossi dell'episodio: TBA
Collegamenti in streaming: AnimelabCrunchyrollFunimazioneHulu, e la corda

One Piece anime series based on Eiichiro Oda’s manga series of the same title is being broadcasted first in Japan before it lands on the official streaming sources mentioned above. Note that there’s a bit of delay before the latest episode goes online.

You can watch One Piece Episode 939 with English subtitles as early as the following release window listed below.

  • agosto 29, 2020, a 7:30 PM (EDT)
  • agosto 29, 2020, a 12:30 SONO (BST)
  • agosto 29, 2020, a 11:30 PM (UTC)
  • agosto 29, 2020, a 4:30 PM (PDT)
  • agosto 29, 2020, a 1:30 SONO (CEST)

Episodio di un pezzo 939 Spoiler

The upcoming episode will be featuring the execution of Yasue in One Piece anime series. Expect to see a flashback between Yasue and the current Shogun Orochi. If you’re not following the manga version of One Piece, you should prepare your heart for a devastating event in the Wano Arc. Anche, anime fans will be learning more details about Kozuki Oden. You can the preview of One Piece Episode 939 sotto.


Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.