Predatore: Terreni di caccia

Predator Hunting Grounds Update 1.11 Note sulla patch rilasciate

Developer IllFonic has just released the newest Predator Hunting Grounds update version 1.11 per Playstation 4 e pc. The new update has been rolled out on Wednesday, Giugno 17, 2020.

Secondo le note di rilascio, the new update highlights the fixing of several bugs and issues in the game. The bug where certain weapon skins have been fixed, as well as the issue where characters in the main menu disappear. The new Predator: Hunting Grounds update 1.11 also addressed the crashing issues that players have been encountering in the customization menu.

Unlike the previous update, l'ultimo aggiornamento 1.11 download file size has an approximate size of 150 MB. Please note that the file size between the PS4 and PC are different. To know more about the new patch, controlla il registro delle modifiche completo di seguito.

Predatore: Hunting Grounds Update 1.11 Note sulla patch

  • Fixed a bug where certain weapon skins would cause the equipped loadout to reset to default
  • Fixed an issue where the characters in the main menu cinematic would sometimes not appear
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while in the customization menu

Fonte: IllFonic

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.