バトルフィールド V

「バトルフィールド V」アップデート 7.1 PC向けにパッチがリリースされました, PS4, と Xbox One

Developer DICE has officially rolled out the newest Battlefield V update version 7.1 パソコン用, プレイステーション 4, と Xbox One.

本日、新しいアップデートがリリースされました, 6月25日, to address some of the known issues that have been reported since the release of the previous update. Some of the main highlights on this patch are the fixing of some weapon issues, ゲームバランス調整, and user interface adjustments.

その間, the developer has also implemented under the hood fixes, 安定, およびパフォーマンスの向上. To know more about what’s new in the game, check out the official patch notes below.

「バトルフィールド V」アップデート 7.1 パッチノート


  • メートル, no more.
  • K31/43 is no longer able to fire an extra bullet while switching firing modes
  • K31/43 no longer has accuracy issues
  • Welrod now properly has 6+1 magazine size and operates as an open bolt
  • Fixed some instances where K31/43 sniper scopes had the German post crosshair instead of the correct Swiss crosshair.


  • Fixed an issue what would cause the soldiersmodels to not show in the frontend
  • Fixed the cosmetics that went missing with the previous update
  • Fixed the Welrod Master Dogtag which had the incorrect icon


  • ProvencePlayers will no longer get stuck on top of the ammo box
  • ProvenceThe water on the map is no longer bulletproof
  • Twisted SteelFrontlinesRemoved the vehicles for the US team within the squad reinforcement menu
  • 前哨基地 – Fixed an exploit that could give a team an unfair scoring advantage


  • 一般的な安定性の向上

The new update is now available for download. PlayStationでゲームをプレイしている場合 4, ダウンロードする必要があります 1.26 GB update file size. The PS4 update file size is smaller compared to the Xbox One version which has a total download size of 2.13 GB. The PC version, でも, has the biggest update download size which is 3.65 GB.

ソース: レディット


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.