ディープ・ロック・ギャラクティックでドレッドノートを倒す方法: サバイバー

ダイビングにおける主な問題 (またはそのうちの1つ) 解決された. ここでは、楽に勝つための基本的な戦術と戦略をいくつか紹介します。.

Most common situations of dying

お気づきかもしれませんが, Dreadnoughts are massive adversaries that require considerable effort to defeat. They boast the highest HP among all enemies, making them formidable foes that require time and strategy to vanquish. Complicating matters further is the mechanic wherein alien aggression escalates with each Dreadnought kill, often resulting in encounters spiraling into chaos if not properly prepared to contend with both the Dreadnoughts and the swarms of accompanying bugs.

Many runs come to an abrupt end due to unexpected Dreadnought ambushes while mining through rocks or navigating treacherous bug-infested terrain.

Less common but equally perilous scenarios include being trapped in a corner of the map or being caught off guard while replenishing health from red sugar, a process that requires time and attention.

It’s crucial not to underestimate the threat posed by bugs. Each Dreadnought spawn not only presents the formidable creature itself but also leads to the summoning or heightened spawn rate of various bugs. Dreadnoughts themselves pose a significant danger, capable of halving your health with just two strikes. While individual bugs may not seem overly problematic, groups or specialized variants such as Acid Spewers, Praetorians, Detonators (the subject of both ire and admiration), Elite Bugs, and Macteras can quickly escalate the challenge level.

Dealing with pre-phase

Let’s assess the situation before embarking on the run

最初に, let’s talk about classes, but not in terms of tiers. Every class and subclass is meticulously balanced, offering players equal freedom and potential for different builds. Experiment with each class and explore various build possibilities to find what suits your playstyle best.

今, onto essential considerationsprioritize health and/or movement speed. Being excessively tanky isn’t advisable as swarms can overwhelm you swiftly. でも, having too little maximum HP can also be risky since bugs scale in both damage and health over time or layers. Aim for around 220 max HP by Stage 5, along with a +25% boost to movement speed, or even more if possible.

As Stage 5 始まります, if you’re struggling with HP, focus on mining resources to bolster your health. Don’t waste time on gold or nitra unless you’re completely depleted. でも, if you’re lacking gold, it’s worth mining some as you can trade it for upgrades on level-up or potentially enhance your stats with golden bullets. If you come across minerals, try to mine them, although many require significant effort to break, necessitating either improved mining speed or the use of the Driller class. While spending time gathering resources to level your starting stats is beneficial, the onslaught of bugs and hordes in Stage 5 leaves little time for this.

Once you’re satisfied with your build, prioritize eliminating elites before they hatch from eggs. While they may not pose a significant threat, gaining extra experience can alleviate potential difficulties.

最後に, as mentioned earlier, strive to level up as much as possible. The longer you prolong the final fight, the more formidable and numerous the Dreadnought and accompanying bugs become. Dealing significant damage early on will only empower you further in the long run.

Dreadnoughts deadliest problem

is its hitbox and dashes.

最初は, it rushes towards you aggressively, but its speed decreases as it nears the player.

Dashes, 一方で, pose a significant challenge. To evade its swift attacks, which often catch players off guard, you’ll need to move in the direction it’s dashing, attempting to outrun its dash range. あるいは, you can wait momentarily before sidestepping, causing it to dash forward while you move to the side. 私の意見では, this is the safest and easiest method to avoid taking damage, but there are some issues with both approaches.

Let’s delve into the problems of each method with the help of some illustrations:

Here’s a depiction of how the Dreadnought dashes. この段階では, it pauses momentarily before lunging forwarda warning sign that you’re about to face its formidable attack.

On one hand, you can opt to move to the end of its dash path, creating a small gap between you and the Dreadnought. でも, this approach presents its own challenges, especially if you’re equipped with weapons that are effective from behind or at close range.

一方で, you can completely evade its dash by sidestepping with precise timing, granting you ample space to maneuver and either deal damage or access resources such as health pickups or mining spots.

It’s important to note that the Dreadnought will rotate its angle before dashing, underscoring the necessity of timing your lateral movement to avoid being cornered or hindered by bugs or environmental obstacles. Constant awareness of your surroundings and potential threats is crucial, as illustrated in the image depicting possible scenarios.

If you’re inclined to take on the challenge, envision how you would navigate this situation and devise a solution. 個人的に, I would opt to ascend to the upper portion to avoid being caught in the Dreadnought’s charging path. その後, I’d prioritize mining the rocks on the top left to mitigate the risk of encountering bugs in the bottom left section of the screen.

不運にも, I can’t include images directly, but you can access them via the provided links.


絶対, dealing damage efficiently within a short timeframe is crucial to prevent escalating alien aggression. でも, it’s essential to recognize that this challenge stems more from the effectiveness of your build rather than the Dreadnought itself. If you find yourself unable to defeat the Dreadnought within five minutes of its spawn, it might be indicative of shortcomings in your chosen loadout or strategy.

Experiment with various solutions and tactics to find what works best for you. It’s possible that future updates from the developers may introduce additional content that makes dodging and defeating Dreadnoughts easier. しかし、今のところ, adapting and refining your approach is the best course of action.

このガイドについて ディープ・ロック・ギャラクティック: サバイバー によって書かれた Amogusenichka. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
