Ultimate Custom Night のラグと FPS 低下を修正する方法

Ultimate Custom Night のラグの問題を解決する 2 つの効果的な方法を提供します。 (UCN). UCN のラグを修正するための 2 つの役立つアプローチを紹介します。.

Disable Visual Effects

To optimize the performance of Ultimate Custom Night (UCN) ローエンド PC またはラップトップの場合, 視覚効果を無効にすることをお勧めします. Since UCN does not allow saving changes, you need to manually disable visual effects each time you start the game. Ensure that theVisual Effectsoption is unchecked to improve the game’s performance.

Disable Startup Programs

Startup Programs are programs which run automatically when a system is booted. 時々, running in the background. To disable Startup Programs do the steps below:

Here are the steps to disable startup programs on your system:

  1. Windowsキーを押します + R on your keyboard to open the “走る” dialog box.
  2. タイプ “msconfig” (引用符なし) の中に “走る” dialog box and press Enter. This will open the System Configuration window.
  3. 「システム構成」ウィンドウ内, に移動します “起動する” タブ.
  4. You will see a list of programs with checkboxes next to them. These are the programs that run automatically during startup.
  5. To disable a startup program, simply uncheck the box next to it.
  6. Review the list and uncheck the boxes for programs that you don’t need to run at startup. Be cautious not to disable any essential system programs.
  7. Once you have unchecked the desired programs, クリック “申し込み” その後 “わかった” to save the changes.
  8. 変更を有効にするためにコンピュータを再起動します.

これらの手順に従うことで, you can disable unwanted startup programs and potentially improve your system’s performance.

Please exercise caution when disabling startup programs on your PC or laptop. It is important to note that you should not disable audio-related programs such as audios, HD audios, or background audios. These programs are crucial for the proper functioning of your audio and muting them may result in permanent audio issues. I cannot be held responsible for any damage or negative consequences that may arise from disabling or modifying startup programs. Please proceed with this task carefully and be mindful of the programs you choose to disable.

このガイドについて Ultimate Custom Night によって書かれた Negan. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
