NBA 2K21

NBA 2K21 MyCareer でチームのケミストリーを素早く高める方法

NBA 2K21 MyCareer is one of the best features of the newest NBA simulation video game is offering. This will not only allow you to play basketball with your favourite team but also give you the best feeling to experience how to become an NBA basketball star, even if it was only on a video game.

でも, you won’t be able to become the goat if you’re not on the right mindset and not a team player. If you want to become the MVP of the season and want to bring your team to the finals, you should have chemistry with your teammates. ゆっくり, you can gain the trust of your teammates, but what if I tell you that there’s a faster way to increase your team chemistry in NBA 2K21?

良い, I’m glad that you found yourself here as we will be giving you the best tips on how to increase your team chemistry faster than usual. Check out the following tips and make sure to follow them.

Other NBA 2K21 Guides:

NBA 2K21 MyCareer

How to Increase Team Chemistry

If you want to easily increase the team chemistry of your player with your teammates, here are the best thing that you have to do.

  1. まず最初に. Focus training on chemistry with your teammates. Always keep in mind that you’re not alone in the court. 合格, assist and set a play with your team every time that you’re in the court.
  2. Visit the GM and you will find some useful upgrades that help to increase the Team Chemistry.
  3. Always do your best to get an A+ team grade.
  4. During interviews after a game, always give a positive answer and give proper credit and appreciation with your team. 例えば, give a comment about improving your team plays, giving credits to the team after you got good points, などなど.
  5. Always participate in training booth camps.

以上です. That’s how I created a player with 100% team chemistry in just three days of playing NBA 2K21.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.