Platinum End

プラチナエンドエピソード 14 発売日時確定

プラチナエンドエピソード 14 前話公開後、ついに公開スケジュールが発表されました. 少し休憩した後, みらいちゃんがアニメシリーズの最新話で帰ってくる. プラチナエンドエピソードはこちら 14 PTでのリリース日時, AET, CEST, BST, もっと.

プラチナエンドのエピソードはいつですか 14 発売日?

プラチナエンドエピソード 14 is scheduled to be officially released on Friday, 1月 14, 2022. The 14th episode of the anime will be airing on Japan’s local TV channels such as TBS, BS11, もっと. After it airs in Japan, the official streaming partners will also be sharing the new episodes on their platforms.

プラチナエンドのエピソードはいつですか 14 リリースタイム?

プラチナエンドエピソード 14 is slated to broadcast on January 14th, その周り 1:28 午前 (日本時間). The mentioned release time is based on the release of the anime in Japan. For fans outside of Japan, here’s the release time for Episode 14 of the Platinum End anime.

  • January 13th at 8:28 午前 (PT)
  • January 14th at 3:28 午前 (AET)
  • January 13th at 6:28 午後 (CEST)
  • January 13th at 5:28 午後 (BST)

Where to watch Platinum End Episode 14?

Platinum End is currently streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation. Premium subscribers of both streaming services can watch the new episode as soon as it goes live. Apart from the 14th episode, premium subscribers can also stream all the previously released episodes of the anime for free.

We highly recommend watching the new episode as soon as possible to prevent yourself from getting spoiled. If you can’t watch Platinum End Episode 14 on the slated release date and time, you may want to temporarily stay away from social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, where they usually discuss the Platinum End anime.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.