Super Nintendo World

(Work-in-Progress) Super Nintendo World Theme Park In Japan Is Almost Finished

One of the most awaited theme parks in Japan is almost finished. If you love to see Mario and many more Nintendo characters, then you should watch out for the Super Nintendo World theme park in Japan.

現在, the construction of the theme park is still in progress but we already a glimpse of what to expect once the project is finished.

Super Nintendo World

Take a look at the photo of the Super Nintendo World theme park. Zoom in and you’ll spot Yoshi lurking around the place.

Super Nintendo World


ウィリアムは車愛好家です. 彼がまだ子供の頃, 彼の父親はいつも彼をF4レース大会に連れて行ってくれる. 今, 彼はレースゲームの熱心なファンです.