Can’t you get all the achievements? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place. Ok, before I get started, I want you to know that this is a great game, so don’t focus only on getting all the achievements, but on enjoying the whole story.
October 7th
When you go to college for the first time, go to chemistry class, and then go to the restroom, you will have to interact with the guy who is sitting on the toilet.
Basketball Player
October 8th
In college, after chemistry class, you gotta go ahead toward the right side and you’ll see a Basketball ball, you have to throw it 13 times.
October 9th
When you have to go to the roof to think about the accident of the day before, you will see a bird coming, after thinking go to the bird and it will fly.
Sad Girl
October 9th
When you have to go to the College, enter the College Hall, and then move towards the left corner and enter the classroom, you will see a girl in the right corner, and interact with her.
October 14th
When you are in the hospital, agree to take the pill the nurse gives you.
October 15th
When you are in the Supermarket doing your shopping, go to the left side and interact with the girl who is having trouble with the supermarket cart.
Night Bench
October 16th
Sit on the beach that is next to the apartment after the party.
Missing Cat
October 18th
After the funeral, interact with the cat on the bench, then go to the phone booth instead of the apartment and interact with it.
Cat’s Yard
October 18th
After doing the previous achievement, move to the right corner and enter Cat’s Yard.
October 18th
Just stay AFK for a while in Cat’s Yard.
October 18th
After doing the “Meow” achievement, go to the apartment, put the bag and key, have dinner, then go outside and next to the bench next to you and take the note.
Night Cemetery
October 18th
After doing the previous achievement, go to the graveyard instead of going to sleep and sit next to the girl.
The last achievement
In order to get the “100% Complete” achievement, you have to interact with everything everyday.