Rozdział One Piece 926 Data wydania

Rozdział One Piece 926: Oczekiwania i data premiery

In the next few days, we will be getting One Piece Chapter 926. While the chapter hasn’t come out yet, I’m here to discuss the possible things that may happen in this chapter.

Please be reminded that this post may contain spoilers of the upcoming chapter. If you don’t want to read any spoilers, it is recommended to stop reading from here.

Rozdział One Piece 926 Oczekiwania

For this chapter, we might see the continuation of the Wano Arc Act 2. We already got a sign that Oda will continue the story of the Wano Arc Act 2 by exposing King and Queen at the end of Rozdział 925.

Najprawdopodobniej, the next chapter will be focusing on Raizo and his plan to rescue Luffy from Kaido’s prison. Jednakże, there’s also a chance that it will be seeing more of the Beast Pirates.

Aktualizacja: Rozdział One Piece 926 Spoilery are out!

From the previous chapter, it seems like Queen is the one assigned to break the spirits of the prisoners. Since Luffy is the newest prisoner, we might learn and see how the Beast Pirates break the spirits of their prisoners. Oczywiście, torturing them physically is the only things they do, there may be something else.

Talking about prisoners, the Wano Arc Act 1 left us hanging about the mysterious prisoner who throws fishbone to one of the guards. While there’s a low chance of learning who that mysterious person is, Rozdział 926 might give more information about him.

Aktualizacja: Rozdział One Piece 926 Spoilery are out!

Tymczasem, it was also revealed from the previous One Piece chapters that Big Mom is heading to the Wano Country. We still don’t know when she will be appearing again, but knowing that she left the Whole Cake Island shortly before Luffy escaped, Big Mom will be arriving Wano Country anytime soon.

Rozdział One Piece 926 Data wydania

This chapter is set to release before the end of the month. Jednakże, it is expected that we will be seeing the raw scans and initial English translations just a few hours from now. Make sure to head back here to see the latest update.

Do you think the next chapter will reveal the identity of the mysterious prisoner from Wano Arc Act 1? Tell us what you think by leaving a comment below.

Featured image: @fdanibenitez

O autorze

Billy jest fanem anime. W wolnym czasie uwielbia czytać mangę i oglądać anime. Jego ulubione serie anime i manga to One Piece i Hunter x Hunter.