Guia de controles e atalhos do Anthology of Fear para PC

Are you one of the players of Anthology of Fear? With the horror and mystery that you’re about to solve in the game, you surely want to get yourself equipped with the game’s basic knowledge. So before you jump in, this guide will give you the list of all Anthology of Fear controls and keyboard shortcuts for PC. Anthology of Fear is a survival horror video game developed and published by 100 jogos.

Anthology of Fear Controls

The following are the default Anthology of Fear key bindings. Para alterar esses controles de teclado padrão, basta ir em Configurações > Controles > Personalizar controles. Make sure that you hit the Apply Settings button to save all the changes.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
CorridaDesvio à esquerda
AmpliaçãoBotão direito do mouse
InteragirBotão esquerdo do mouse
EnviarBotão esquerdo do mouse
Anthology of Fear Controls

Keep in mind that Anthology of Fear also has full controller support. Boa sorte!

Sobre o autor

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