anel antigo

Guia de controles do Elden Ring para PC, xbox, e PlayStation

One of the most awaited open-world video games developed by FromSoftware has finally arrived. Along with Bandai Namco, the developer has officially launched Elden Ring, an action role-playing game. Just like any other open-world game out there, Elden Ring offers a lot of actions, which means players will be needing to memorize a lot of controls. Se você é um dos jogadores que está apenas começando no jogo, worry no more as this guide will cover all the important Elden Ring controls keys that you need to know.

Elden Ring Controls

Elden Ring is currently available on PC and consoles. Para iniciar este guia, here are the default Elden Ring pc keyboard and mouse controls that you need to know.

Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
Backstep, Dodge Roll, TraçoBarra de espaço
agachar / Ficar de péx
mover câmeraRato
Redefinir câmera, Trancar / Remove TargetQ / Roda do mouse
Switch Sorcery / IncantationSeta para cima
Alternar itemSeta para baixo
Switch Right-Hand ArmamentSeta direita / Mudança + Roda do mouse para cima
Switch Left-Hand ArmamentSeta esquerda / Mudança + Roda do mouse para baixo
Ataque (RH & Two-Handed Armament)Botão esquerdo do mouse
Ataque Forte (RH & 2H Armament)Mudança + Botão esquerdo do mouse
Guarda (LF Armament)Botão direito do mouse
HabilidadeMudança + Botão direito do mouse
Usar itemR
Event Action (Examinar, Abrir, etc)E
Two-Hand WeaponE + LMB or RMB
Abrir mapaG
Menu abertoEsc
Usar item de bolsaE + Setas
Elden Ring PC Controls

For the Xbox and PlayStation versions of the game, here are the buttons that you should remember:

MovimentoManípulo EsquerdoManípulo Esquerdo
Backstep, Dodge Roll, TraçoBCírculo
agachar / Ficar de péL3L3
mover câmeraAlavanca da direitaAlavanca da direita
Redefinir câmera, Trancar / Remove TargetR3R3
Switch Sorcery / IncantationD-Pad para cimaD-Pad para cima
Alternar itemD-Pad para baixoD-Pad para baixo
Switch Right-Hand ArmamentD-Pad direitoD-Pad direito
Switch Left-Hand ArmamentD-Pad esquerdoD-Pad esquerdo
Ataque (RH and Two-Handed Armament)RBR1
Ataque Forte (RH and 2H Armament)RTR2
Guarda (LF Armament)LIBRAL1
Usar itemxQuadrado
Event Action (Examinar, Abrir, etc)YTriângulo
Abrir mapaBotão VerTouchpad
Menu abertoBotão de menuBotão de opções
Usar item de bolsaY + D-PadTriângulo + D-Pad
Elden Ring Controls for Xbox and PlayStation

And this is the complete list of Elden Ring keybindings and shortcuts. For those who are wondering how to change these default key bindings, simply go to the Settings section of Elden Ring. Make sure that the changes you have made have been saved before resuming your adventure. Também, verifique nosso Horizon Forbidden West controls guia.

Sobre o autor

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