Liga dos lendários

Atualização de League of Legends 10.22 Buffed e Nerfed alguns campeões

Riot Games is yet to release the newest patch for Liga dos lendários, but before it officially rolls out, players already got a chance to see what’s coming in the next update.

As seen on a Twitter post by one of the Riot Games employees, Mark Yetter, the upcoming League of Legends update 10.22 will aim to balance some of the most used champions in the game.

The complete release notes of League of Legends patch 10.22 is yet to be released but we already have the overview of what to expect. Below are the confirmed champions that will be buffed and nerfed in this update.

Liga dos lendários

Champions to be nerfed:

  • Karthus
  • Lulu (Top lane)
  • Samira
  • Zed

Champions to be buffed:

  • Xayah
  • LeBlanc
  • Sejuani
  • Nasus
  • Brand

There will also be some minor champion adjustments that will be implemented in this League of Legends patch. Some champions that will be balanced are Annie, Brand, Jinx, and Ashe. Below are some of the confirmed adjustments for these champions.

  • annie – E damage reduction to 40-240 (+40% AP) shield for 3 segundos; E mana cost 20 para 40; E can now be cast on self or ally within 800 faixa.
  • AsheW fires 9 para 7-11 Setas; flechas (depends on your rank)
  • JinxE traps deal full damage immediately instead of over 1.5 segundos.
  • BrandP explosion damage 12-16% (1.5% per 100 AP) para 10-14% (2% per 100 AP); E (Novo) always spreads to nearby enemies; E Spread range lowered from 375 para 300; E blaze effect doubles spread range to 600; R can now bounce to Brand
  • NasusR bonus resists 15-55 para 40-70; R no longer gains 1-3 resistance per second

We will be posting the official patch notes for this update once we got it. Enquanto isso, tell us what you think for this update by leaving a comment below.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.