DIA DO PAGAMENTO 2 Atualizar 199.4 Patch lançado, Soundtrack Fix

Publisher Starbreeze has released the newest DIA DO PAGAMENTO 2 atualizar 199.4 for Windows PC players. The new update has been rolled out on Monday, Poderia 11, 2020.

Patch version 199.4 addressed the issues about the soundtrack that was removed. De acordo com o desenvolvedor, they have found the root cause of the soundtrack issues. Upon learning the cause, they immediately fixed the issue and returned the soundtrack back to the game. Agora, you now have more option to listen to epic music while doing some heist. Learn more about the atualizar abaixo de.

DIA DO PAGAMENTO 2 Atualizar 199.4 Notas do Patch

  • Returned the soundtrack files back to the game
  • Under the hood fixes
  • Stability and performance improvements

DIA DO PAGAMENTO 2 versão 199.4 is now available for download on PC.

Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.