PUBG sai do acesso antecipado, NVIDIA lança novo driver pronto para jogos

Como todos sabemos, PUBG 1.0 sai hoje. Em um tweet recente, Bluehole anunciou a entrada de PUBG’s nova era, sair do acesso antecipado, bem como entrar no 1.0. Um público mais significativo que não costuma instalar Test Servers terá acesso ao PUBG’o mais novo mapa do deserto, miramar.

As a response to that, NVIDIA has released a new game ready driver, specially optimized for PUBG. The latest useful feature that was added after Nvidias and PUBGs partnership was the ShadowPlay Highlights. Agora, they should be working better and more efficiently, avoiding any previously known bugs.

We will have the chance to experience an improved Playerunknowns Battlegrounds game, thanks to Blueholes development team. They have managed to optimize the game by far and reduce the fps issues players had in the past. While all of this was tested out on its test servers, now will be officially available.

Enquanto isso, Bluehole has tweeted out that the maintenance has begun.

Sobre o autor

William é um entusiasta de carros. Quando ele ainda era criança, seu pai sempre o traz para a competição de corrida de F4. Agora, ele é um ávido fã de jogos de corrida.