Sarna - Queda de neve

Guia de controles e atalhos de queda de neve do Skabma

Are you planning to enter the world full of adventure in Skabma – Queda de neve? Se for assim, you’re on the right track as this guide will show you the basic and complete list of Skabma Snowfall controls and shortcuts.

Sarna – Snowfall is a story-rich adventure game by Red Stage Entertainment. You will be playing as Ailu and your mission is to harness the power of the Noaidi Drum and the Familiar Spirits to fight against a disorder spreading across the land. Conforme você avança no jogo, you will be discovering mysteries that will answer all of your questions.

Skabma Snowfall Controls

Skabma Snowfall is currently available on PC and consoles. Let’s start with the default SkabmaSnowfall keybindings and shortcuts for PC.

MovimentoW A S D
Target Lock-OnAba
Escudo / Water AttunementQ
Traço / Air AttunementMudança
Grounding / Earth AttunementCtrl
Pular / Fire AttunementBarra de espaço
Camera Mode SwitchC
DrumLMB and RMB
Controle da câmeraMovimento do mouse
Menu de PausaEsc
Sarna – Snowfall Controls for PC

Você também pode consultar a captura de tela completa dos controles de teclado e mouse do jogo abaixo:

Agora, for the gamepad controller setup, here are the actions assigned to each button:

MovimentoStick analógico esquerdo
Target Lock-OnLT
DrumLB and RB
Escudo / Water AttunementY
Traço / Air AttunementB
Grounding / Earth Attunementx
Pular / Fire AttunementUMA
Camera Mode SwitchR3
Controle da câmeraAnalógico Direito
Menu de PausaBotão de menu
Sarna – Snowfall Gamepad Controls

Note that SkabmaSnowfall has full controller support on PC, which means you can also play the game on PC using a gamepad controller.

And that is everything you need to learn about the default SkabmaSnowfall controls and shortcuts. Sinta-se à vontade para deixar um comentário abaixo se tiver alguma sugestão para melhorar este guia.

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