V Nascente

V Rising Update 0.5.42584 (Hotfix 10) Notas do Patch

Developer Stunlock Studios has just rolled out the newest update for V Rising. The new patch aims to fix some of the exploits that were acknowledged since the last update. De acordo com os detalhes, Hotfix 10 is scheduled to officially roll out today, por aí 11:00 UTC.

Infelizmente, since the previous update, many players have been experiencing several in-game issues. Com a atualização de hoje, it is expected that players should be getting fewer bugs in V Rising.

Para saber mais sobre esta atualização, fique à vontade para verificar as notas de lançamento completas abaixo.

V Rising Hotfix 10 Notas do Patch

  • Fixed an exploit where equipped items (armas, Armors, Capas) could give stacked attributes when equipped after being retrieved from a servant that had died.
  • Fixed an exploit where items would be duplicated when dismantling a servant’s coffin with a servant that has previously died.
  • Fixed an issue where some equipable items (armas, armaduras, Capas) could end up in a broken state and can no longer be equipped or unequipped. Items in this state prior to this patch will automatically be removed as they are in an irreparable state.


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