Jujutsu Kaisen series is undeniably one of the hottest series right now. It’s all thanks to the release of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series. After the airing of the first season of the anime adaptation of Jujutsu Kaisen, MAPPA studio has revealed that the TV anime series will be followed by an anime film.
The announcement of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime film happened after the end of Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1. The initial announcement did not reveal any release details until today. According to the official announcement released on Twitter (via Shonen Daily), MAPPA confirmed that Jujutsu Kaisen 0 will be airing on December 24th.
『劇場版 #呪術廻戦 0』
百鬼夜行 決行日、来たる12月24日(金)
劇場版公式サイトリニューアルhttps://t.co/O5i22Z1e0O#劇場版呪術廻戦0 pic.twitter.com/hXq9O6ALmT
— 『呪術廻戦』アニメ公式 (@animejujutsu) June 13, 2021
Here’s the translation of the Tweeter post using Google Translate:
Jujutsu Kaisen 0, will be having a theatrical release on December 24th (Friday). Furthermore, the teaser visual ban, which will be the first anime visual for this movie version, has been lifted!
As of the moment, we can’t confirm if this release date is a global release date of the anime film. But judging on the post and looking at some reports, it seems that December 24, 2021, is just the release of the anime film only in Japan.