This guide includes everything about how the game works, along with advice on getting the most out of what you’ve got, handling the day-night cycle, and more. It does contain spoilers, but nothing that’ll spoil the story.
The Basics
Health and Food
-Your health is the red bar at the top of the screen. It is drained by gathering with your hands or by swimming
-Some bushes and mushrooms will not drain your health when gathered
-Eat raspberries, mushrooms or cooked meat to restore your health by right clicking them in your inventory or by adding them to your hot bar and pressing the relevant hotkey
-Your objectives are listed under the health bar
-Completing these is how you progress through the game and move from one biome to the next
-All biomes will have a landmark that can be interacted with. Craft various key items and place them in the Landmarks inventory to complete the biome
-All other objectives must be completed before the key item will be accepted
Menus and Interactions
-Press “I” to open the inventory/crafting menu
-The crafting UI has 2 tabs, one for “learning” and one for “learned”
-All crafted items have to be learned before they can be crafted
-Items are learned and crafted by dragging resources from the inventory to the crafting window, marked with the box and arrow icon
-to craft multiples quickly place all the needed resources next to the crafting window so they can be drag and dropped faster
-Press the “E” to interact with tool boxes, placed items, locks, shrines and other blockades
-some crafted items can only be crafted at placed workstations like the camp fire or furnace
-Using the right tools for gathering different types of resources will save a lot of health, and some resources can only be gathered with the right tools
-You can gather with both your hands and any one handed tools simultaneously
-gathering is animation locked until resource is gathered
-the hit sound/particle effect from gathering can be used to time the next click.
Tool Boxes
Toolbox Info
-There are red toolboxes at the starting area for each biome and near some of the characters
-These toolboxes have stories about the characters and tools that will make gathering faster
Tool Box Locations
-On the dam next to the blue tent
Biome 2
-Inside the crow spire next to the sleeping crow lady
Biome 3
-At the starting area for the biome next to the tool bench
Biome 4
-Past the entrance to the biome next to the grave stone statue
-On The Second floor of the scrap shed
-Inside the house next to the river
Biome 5
-In the crashed plane at the start of the biome
-Past the mountain tunnel next to the big block of ice
Biome 1
Hunting rabbits
-The rabbits take 2 arrows to take down
-They spook at longer distances the faster the player is moving
-They will out run the player if moving up hill
The Crow Lady
-If the player or the crow lady leaves the outer circle the puzzle will be reset
-When close, the crow lady will move away from the player
-She must be maneuvered to the smoke stack
Day Night Cycle
-Once the bow is crafted hunting rabbits should be the priority during the day
-Visiting smoke stacks will reset the time to mid day on completion
-Smoke stacks spawn extra crows on completion
-Berries and fiber are both gathered from the same bush
-You will need to gather a lot of berries for crafting in this biome
-Save all the extra fiber, you’ll need it in other biomes
-Don’t eat any of the cooked meat you gather, you’ll need it for the key item
-Gather all the feathers from the crow spire platforms you’ll need them
Biome 2
-Swimming drains health but standing in low water doesn’t
-Food can be consumed from the hotbar to restore health lost while swimming
-The catch is triggered when the fishing net is in mid swing not on mouse click
Day Night Cycle
-There is no means to reset the time in this biome
-A lot of time is needed during the days for hunting salamanders and catching fish
-Try to do all the wood and stone gathering at night only
-Mushrooms can be gathered for food
-Setting up a campfire to cook meet from salamanders helps
-Raspberry bushes can be found on the edges of the biome
-Don’t eat the snowberries, they drain your health
-If you run out of health you wont be able to swim at all
-Running out of food while swimming teleports you to the stone shrine
-Set up a campfire at the respawn point to cook the meat you get from hunting
Biome 3
Sneak Sequence
-The cave dweller will pick a random point near the player move there and pause
-The pause is between 4 and 6 seconds
-The cave dwellers lantern light is an indicator of his vision range
-The easiest route is the stay to the right of the cave and follow the lamp posts
-It is possible to save and reload at any time during the sequence
Chase Sequence
-Upon sneaking to the far end of the cave, the cave dweller will move into position and the chase sequence will start
-Be prepared to turn around and start running to the exit as soon as the sequence starts
-The tunnels rocks and lamp posts can be used to trip up the cave dweller and create more space
Biome 4
-Must be placed on the black rings on the deck at the start of the biome
-Rebar for furnace and bellows are found at the biomes starting area as well
Wolf Dugout
-Iron can only be gathered once the wolf attack sequence starts
-Leaving the area after the sequence has started will reset the time to mid day
-Once all the iron has been mined the sequence will not reactivate at that location
Giant Tree
-Mid way up the roots are breakable chunks that must be chopped with hatchets
-You will need at least 5 hatchets to reach the center
-You can break the hatchet found in the toolbox at the beginning of the biome
-There are 6 rings, each made up of large chunks
-On attempting to chop a chunk the area around the hit location is checked
-When chunks from outer rings are in range of the hit location, the hit is blocked
-If a chunk is blocked you won’t be able to destroy it
-Your hatchet will still receive damage from blocked chunks
-The goal is to chop out a cone shape starting wide on the outer most ring and narrowing to the center
-In this biome food is limited mostly to cooked meat
-If you didn’t get the hatchet from the second biome there are raspberries near the lake at the base of the biome
-Getting bone arrows made should be the first priority so you can hunt wolves for meat
Biome 5
-The wolves will attack on sight
-You can hide in the tall grass from the wolves
-Being attacked will send you back to the start of the biome
-If you have reached and completed the scrap shed wolf attacks will send you to the scrap shed
-Each wolf spawns with 3 crows
-When a crow attempts to land the wolf will chase after it
-If you shoot all 3 crows the wolf becomes passive permanently, unless you get too close or attack it
Scrap Shed
-When the sequence starts the worm eater will launch glowing rock clusters at you
-The rock clusters are launched to a point in front of you depending on the direction your moving
-To dodge them you must change direction after the rock cluster is in the air
-Once you get close to the scrap shed the worm eater will stop launching rock clusters
-The furnace can only be placed on the decking behind the house next to the river
-To reach this place you must sneak past the wolves to the top of the hill
-It is located at the base of the snow biome
Biome 6
Bear Attack Sequence
-Once the sequence has started, each light post will activate when you get close to them
-Each time a light post is activated there is a chance a bear will spawn and attack
-At the start of the biome is a toolbox with a pair of rifles and a crate of ammo
-You will need most of your inventory filled with rifle ammo to make it to the top of the mountain