This is a brief guide to teaching you how to cook in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. In addition, a map details will also be outlined in this guide.
Your Job
The main job as Cook is getting blood. Yes, Sissy has a higher starting base for blood collecting but her expertise can be used else where like setting traps for survivors and can pursue victims easier.
Soon as the match (Depending on where you’ve started.) Padlock the doors that lead via Exits. That could be the Car battery or Gen Exit. Some have two doors out. One might have a latch and the other latchless. Of course Padlock the door without a latch.
After that move straight into collecting blood. Press you Middle mouse and it will highlight the blood buckets around the map for you. Once you’ve reached 100 Blood feed grandpa. Waking up grandpa is your main prio along with getting him levelled asap.
Once Gramps is awake he will yell revealing the location of survivors doing stupid ♥♥♥♥ like running around. The more spicy meals you cook up for gramps the more he will Yell.
To improve your blood harvesting you need to spend you ability points. As you can see below I stacked mine into blood harvesting. Allowing me to carry more blood and harvest more.
The tree path I took to get the highest possible blood harvest is below.Siphon will be the first one you get.
Later on when you get higher level you’ll overcap on blood. It’s best to increase the amount you can carry blood banker helps with this.
The big one is Universal dono, This perk when leveled increases your blood harvested by a flat % all the way to 40% which is insane.
Your second job which comes later on is spotting survivors with your sense.If it’s a level one which I’m assuming it is it’s kinda pointless unless survivors are out the basement. However to combat this once you’ve level it up you can spend the level up points to get it so when you spot a survivor using senor it shows the whole family. Good for buba in basement early on.
Hopefully this is helpful. I’ll update as I find more perks etc etc.
Maps and where to padlock
I do not take credit for these maps.They all go to Keller Max. These maps might be out dated as this was from tech test.
On the family House the main front door is a key point to lock. It’s high traffic for the family to pass by and it forces them out the window. ( This is the door leading to the generator out front ) Along with the other two padlocks I like to do the back door and the gate.

On gas Station I lock up the gates. The Hydro exit is also a high active family zone so it’s worth doing on the two front gates and the back one.
Slaughter house is by far the hard one in my opinion. There is 6 doors that doors that lead out to the car battery exit. 2 then 2 then 2. The second lot has a latch on the right door you can lock. Meaning you can lock up the left one. It’s 50/50 if you choose to lock up the second lot or the third lot.
Then you have generator exit again which is another 2 doors. It’s your call on how the games going out to lock them up.