This guide will be showing you the complete list of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt controls for PC. Be reminded that the following key controls can be modified to your desired key by going to the settings page of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt Controls
Action | Key |
Open Chat / Send Message | Enter |
Primary Weapon | 1 |
Secondary Weapon | 2 |
Melee Weapon | 3 |
Emote | Z |
Ping | Mouse Middle Button |
Consumable | G |
Next Weapon | Mouse Wheel Up |
Previous Weapon | Mouse Wheel Down |
Heightened Senses | X |
Drop Item | Right Mouse Button |
Free Turn Camera | N |
Switch Fire Mode | B |
Ready Up | F1 |
Crouch (Hold) | Left Ctrl |
Jump | Spacebar |
Attack | Left Mouse Button |
Crouch (Toggle) | C |
Archetype Discipline | E |
Clan Discipline | Q |
Sprint | Left Shift |
Alternate Action | Right Mouse Button |
Reload | R |
Inventory | I or Tab |
Toggle Option | O |
Pick Up | F |
Interact | F |
Map (Toggle) | M or V |
Change Game Mode | F2 |
Show Player List | F3 |
Spectate Next | Left Mouse Button |
Spectate Previous | Right Mouse Button |
Quick Use Blood Syringe | 4 |
Quick Use Blood Bag | 5 |
Quick Use Armor | 6 |
Quick Use Red Gas Neutralizer | 7 |
Push to Talk | Left Alt |
Elysium Toggle Progress UI | R |
Ping Enemy | T |
Move Forward | W |
Move Left | A |
Move Backward | S |
Move Right | D |
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