Did you decide to go for the collectibles? In this guide, I show you where to find Duviri’s Somachords.
Shadows and Summoning
First somachord is located near to Titan’s Rest, below and in a houses’ zone. Check my screenshot to get the exact point in the map.
Below the Thunder
This song is in Castle Town, next to green casks
Duviri Paradox
This somachord is in The Citadel, near to a long bridge. There are two buildings where you can enter (and which are quite dark). In one fo them, is our somachord behind a statue.
Paragrimm Ascending
In Upperhaven, between two buildings. It’s easy to see.
Eyes That Burn
This somachord is a bit hidden in the brush. We are going to find it on the smallest island of the Amphitheatre, next to a little tree. The Amphitheater is available only during the spirals of joy, envy, anger and sadness.
He Who Waits
This is another song that is quite hidden. The first thing we need to know is that it is in Lonesome Outlook, right between two holes on the map.
Once there, we look for a cave to go down, where we will find a tree and a Duviri resident sitting below.
From there, you have to walk to some boxes, in which we are going to find the somachord behind.
Into Madness
We are going to find this song in The Citadel, near the teleport.
There, we are going to look for a cave, where there is some rubble. The somachord is very visible.
Perditions Coils
For this tone, we are going to find it inside a house, in the Throneguard Barracks. It is a fairly easy to obtain.
Drifters Respite
For this song. we need to go to The Archarbor. This is only available in spirals of joy, envy and sadness. Somachord is in the center, in front of a Shawzin’s challenge.
The first thing you have to know is this somarchord is on Kullervo´s Hold, in an underground cell.
The cell is opened by finding three pillars that must be turned towards the center of the island (like looking at the stage where you fight Kullervo). The locations of each are marked in the following maps.
The first pillar is very easy to find as it is very close to the Kullervo’s Hold teleport. As I explained above, all you have to do is turn it towards the center of the island to leave it in position.
The second pillar is a little more hidden, since it is located at the northern end of the island, on a small piece of land separated from the rest, under a path.
The third pillar is located on the opposite side of the teleport. It is close to the path, behind a wall, so it can be a bit unnoticed.
Finally, we are able to go to the cell to open it. The first thing to do is look for the entrance to the cave on the island. It has several entrances, but if you can’t find it, I’ll leave one marked on the map. Also you can enter through the interior of the coliseum where they fight against Kullervo.
Once inside, you will see there is a panel and the cell. You will know that you turned all the pillars correctly when the panel glows light blue, as in the photo.