
'ワンピース’ 章 964 スポイラー, 生スキャン, 発売日: これまでにわかっていること

One Piece manga is still in the middle of the flashback of Kozuki Oden. の中に 前の章, we have seen how excited Oden when he approached Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard, asking to let him join the pirate crew.

Looking at how adventurous Oden was, the upcoming ワンピースの章 964 will surely bring more fan to One Piece fans. If you’re one of the avid followers of the story, make sure to check out the schedule below and be the first to read One Piece Chapter 964 once it releases.

はいつですか One Piece Chapter 964 発売日?

Kozuki Oden vs Edward Newgate via Deviant Art

ワンピースの作者, Eiichiro Oda, is always announcing if there will be a delayed release of the new chapter of his manga. As for the forthcoming chapter, there is no expected postponement, so expect to see Chapter 964 今週末.

The digital scan of the One Piece Chapter 964 releases earlier than the WSJ version. ビズメディアによると, one of the official manga distributor, ワンピースの章 964 will be available on December 1, 2019.

Where to read One Piece manga?

ワンピース X・ドレークの正体
ワンピース X・ドレークの正体

There are lots of sources that you can read the latest One Piece manga online. でも, not all of these websites are legitimate and most of them don’t have the license to publish One Piece manga.

To legally read the upcoming chapters of One Piece, we highly recommend visiting the official manga distributor such as Viz and Manga Plus by Shueisha on mobile devices. 心配しないで, mentioned brands above are legitimate and have the accurate English translation of the chapter.

ワンピースの章はありますか 964 スポイラー?

ワンピース ゴール・D. ロジャー・バウンティ

One Piece community has a habit of getting an early spoiler ahead of the chapter release. The upcoming chapter is not an exemption, which means we may be seeing some spoilers and raw scams before the chapter went live.

執筆時点, we still can’t find any spoilers online. でも, make sure to bookmark this page because we will be updating this once we find one.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.