Here are the newly added Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator codes for the month of July 2021. Use these new Toy Clicking Simulator codes to get freebies in the game such as free gems and pets. We started compiling all available Roblox codes and if you’re looking for some codes for your game, we recommend checking our Roblox directory.
Before we tell you the new codes for Toy Clicking Simulator available for this month, please be reminded that we are constantly updating this page. If you want to get the latest codes, we highly recommend bookmarking this page.
All Active Toy Clicking Simulator Codes
Please note that new codes for Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator are being added at the bottom of the list.
Code | Reward |
SPEEDBOOST | 24 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
LUCKBOOST | 24 hours of 2x Luck |
REBIRTHSBOOST | 24 hours of 2x Rebirths |
GEMBOOST | 24 hours of 2x Gems |
TOYBOOST | 24 hours of 2x Toys |
SUPERBOOST | 24 hours of 2x Super Rebirths |
EggHunt | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update16 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Polar | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update17 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
150kVisits | 2 hours of 2x Rebirths |
MoreLeaderboards | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update18 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SuperRebirths | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update19 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
SRBoost | 15 minutes of 2x Super Rebirths |
Void | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update20 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
FREESRBOOST | 1 hour of 2x Super Rebirths |
MorePetXP | 6 hours of 2x Rebirths |
Update21 | 6 hours of 2x Toys |
SecretEgg | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update22 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
MajorRevamp | 12 hours of 2x Toys |
Update23 | 12 hours of 2x Rebirths |
200KEvent | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update24 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
FoodWorld | 2 hours of 2x Super Rebirths |
Update25 | 6 hours of 2x Rebirths |
Superhero | 24 hours of 2x Rebirths |
Update26 | 24 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Thanos | 6 hours of 2x Super Rebirths |
Potions | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update27 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
DarkMatter | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update28 | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Emojis | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update29 | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update30 | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
RobotEgg | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update31 | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Pirate | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update32 | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
ClownEgg | 6 hours of 2x Luck Speed |
Update33 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Atlantis | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update34 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
1MVisits | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update35 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
July4thEvent | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
ThanksSoMuchFor1M | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
ImmortalPity | 6 hours of 2x Luck Boost |
Update36 | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
1.5MSpeedBoost | 24 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
1.5MLuckBoost | 24 hours of 2x Luck |
1.5MRebirthsBoost | 24 hours of 2x Rebirths |
1.5MGemBoost | 24 hours of 2x Gems |
1.5MToyBoost | 24 hours of 2x Toys |
SoManyToys | 6 hours of 2x Hatch Speed |
Update37 | 6 hours of 2x Luck (New Code) |
Be reminded that the active Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator codes can be case-sensitive. If you are having trouble redeeming the codes above, we recommend using the copy-paste method. Simply copy the available codes and directly paste them inside the Toy Clicking Simulator redemption box in Roblox.
Frequently Asked Questions
Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator was created by Aesthetic Games.
Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator was released on April 2, 2021.
The last update for Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator has been rolled out on July 15, 2021.
Roblox Toy Clicking Simulator has an average of more than 5,000 concurrent users per day. However, the game has already reached more than 3.4 million visits and 19k favorites.