Space Station 14 Beginner’s Artefact Guide

Hello and welcome to Science, Xenoarcheology division! This is a guide for most if not all stimuli and some other basics for artefacts, I’ve noticed there’s few if any guides for this and it is a very important part of science! This is still a WIP as I don’t know of or understand some stimuli. I myself am still learning them so if there’s any missing/incomplete feel free to mention that in the comments I will gladly credit you at the bottom!

Analysis Console and Artefact Analyzer

The basic of basics, the console and the pad. The console is a computer that has four whole buttons and the pad… Is a pad.

Analysis Console

Server list:

Sci’s research is stored on a server. Usually this button doesn’t matter as there’s only one but if Salv gets another server you can actually spec into multiple tier three techs by using multiple servers.


The button used most! Tells you the node number and stimuli required to activate it. Takes thirty seconds to scan though if you upgrade the pad with parts made or found you can speed this up!


This will print a report of the node number and stimuli. Useful for saving time if you use a node scanner!


Extracts all available points from the artefact on the pad, some do it every time, some let them build.

Artifact Analyzer

Not much to say about this pad! Drag an artefact onto it to start your work!

As previously mentioned if you upgrade it with better parts it works faster!

Oh and sometimes they start unlinked, if that’s the case use a multitool to link the console with the pad.

Analysis Menu and Printouts

Okay I scanned an arti…Now what? What does this mean CALL RD!!!

Calm down I’ll explain it all here… TELL HIM TO GET THE VAULT GOLD ALREADY!

Node ID

This is the ID of the node itself. If you scanned it with the node scanner pocket tool this is the number presented, this will help save time instead of waiting 30 seconds for the pad to scan.


This is how deep in the “Tree” of nodes you are, the further in the more points you earn from each activation, though the more dangerous or intense the reaction will be.


Pretty simple, if you’ve done it before it’ll be true and you will not get points for activating again. If false you have not activated this node and will get points.


What you need to do to activate the artefact and get the points and reaction.


What will happen when the stimulus is applied and the node activated.


How many “paths” there are from this node. I will explain below in its own section paths and the “tree”.


How many points you got loaded up and ready for extracting!


Printouts are named after which node they are so stack them to quickly check if you’ve done a node before USE THAT NODE SCANNER, it saves so much time. The paper itself tells the stimuli and reaction so just pick it up and take a look at what you need to do!

Node Tree

Trees? This isn’t botany…

Yes artefacts have trees, it determines the complexity of the artefact. Sadly not all are made equal.

Here is an example tree I whipped up, all in sci purple!

As you can see each edge goes forward AND backwards, so sometimes you may get stuck on a node (for better or worse) though there are tools to force the node to go deeper.

Hopefully you can understand this! If not go do cargo.

Tools and Other Useful Things.

Node scanner

A simple but effective tool, when used on an arti scans the node ID and tells you, only useful though if you are doing careful record keeping.

Traversal Distorter

The traversal Distorter is a very useful tool, it can be used to force an arti to go further or lower in deph! Very useful for either points or repeating favourable reactions. To work this thing simply pull it on top of the analyser and under the arti, if toggled you can set it to out (deeper) or in (not deeper)

Artefact crusher

An artefact crusher is a researched tech that creates a huge press used for crushing artefacts and sometimes people! When you crush an artefact it turns into useful fragments that can be used to make a new one, be given to cargo for a bounty or ground into Artifexium in a grinder.


Do you also love the smell of fresh ground arti in the morning? So do I! This extremely useful fluid is used for activating tough or annoying nodes for free! When sprayed on or splashed onto artefacts it will instantly activate the node. (Only need 5u I recommend a spray bottle)


Now the part everyone will skip to! Stimuli! Already explained to lets cut to the chase!


Hydro Reactive: Spray with fire extinguisher or hit with an open spill-able container.

Sonic Vibrations: Play an instrument, you don’t need to actually play a song, just open the menu.

Magnetic Vibrations: Turn on a pair of magboots nearby the arti.

Extreme Pressure: Space it…usually, sometimes its needs MULTIPLE tanks of gas.

Physical Trauma: Beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of it, sometimes it takes awhile, try other damage types.

Electricity: Touch it with a multitool. EZ

Active Deceleration: Only on hold-able artis, throw it!

Gaseous Plasma: Drown the thing in plasma, ask atmos for a tank.

Life Essence: The artefact demands a sacrifice you must kill something.

Radiation: Place uranium ore, bananium ore or just bananium nearby or even other radiation emitting artefacts.

High Temps: Make really hot or really cold, if spacing doesn’t work than you need to make it hot so just hit it with a lit welder.

Exterminate: Shift+Click on it, that’s it just examine it :shrugs:.

Standard Atmos Gasses: Flood it with carbon dioxide.

Tool Usage: Just wrench the arti (anchor it).


Did sci just explode or was that a synd…

Keep in mind that the lower deph effects are usually nothing and higher dephs can really hurt.

Matter Creation: Creates stuff, anything from monkeys to carps to trees to bananas to… etc. etc.

Cerebral Influence, makes the screen wavy and plays some flavour text, can put you to sleep.

Environmental Disruption: The destroyer of windows, throws stuff around or breaks things.

Transmogrificional Activity: Turns you into something else temporarily, like lizards or monkeys.

Biochemical Disruption: Makes a random fluid.

Magnetic waves: Sometimes nothing, sometimes makes objects spin around it.

This guide about Space Station 14 was written by Zyleak. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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