Following the official release of Zero Hour Operation Black Dawn update, the developer of the game has also added both the major and minor changes in the game.
Apart from the major patch, it seems that the Zero Hour developer has been really working hard to fix almost every known bug and issue in Zero Hour. Players should now rarely encounter the bugs that have been reported since the last update.
Meanwhile, new features have also been added including the new co-op map called “Paradise City” and “Residential House”. New co-op objective missions have also been added. Learn more about this update by scrolling through the full patch notes below.
Zero Hour Operation Black Dawn Patch Notes
- New Co-Op Exclusive Map “Paradise City” ( AKA Ruins )
- New Co-Op Map “Residential House ( Existing PvP Map )
- New Co-Op Objective types ( Secure Document / Secure Laptop Intel )
- Overhauled third person Player & Suspect animations
- Animations for several Suspect AI states (Flash/Fake Surrender/Aggression/Afraid)
- Weapon Modification Menu in Main Menu
- Weapon Modification Menu in Selection Menu
- Cosmetic Store in Main Menu
- Movement speed change option ( Use mouse Scroll to change walk speed )
- Utility selection in Training Ground
- New Weapon ES36, available for the attacking side
- New First person Arm models for Attackers & Defenders
- New shoulder tapping feature ( Press Interact 1 when looking at team member’s shoulder )
- New Free look feature ( Hold Alt )
- New ADS Zoom feature ( Press Alt to toggle between zooms )
- New Detaining Suspect feature [Co-Op Only]
- New Suspect interrogation feature [Co-Op Only]
- New Bonus Reward play system
- Custom match ID shown in Scoreboard tab
- Profanity filter check for Profile name
- New Co-Op map theme option ( Plays Map theme music with co-op playthrough )
- New Co-Op casual mode option ( No Penalties / No Points )
- Shooting suspect arm to disarm
- Suspect fake surrendering state
- Horizontal recoil for shooting weapons
- Depth Of Field Option ( Blur around sight when ADS )
- Heavy breathing sound when stamina is drained
- New reload mech SFXs
- New weapon gunshot SFXs
- New explosive SFXs
- New door kick SFXs
- New Round music collection
- New Saving Successful/Failed prompt
- New Join Steam lobby host’s match prompt
- (PvP) Incentive for not Draining your stamina completely (+350)
- EULA Agreement for Online matchmaking
- Suspects doing a 360 turn unnecessarily
- Several Reported throw utility through spots
- Reported bullet proof objects that should not be bullet proof
- Reported run out detection missing locations
- C2 not break opening double doors together
- Getting killed in power switch you can turn on/off lights even after death
- Can initiate rappel even after death
- Melee offset ( Melee should be more accurate in detecting )
- Melee system hit registration issue
- Military Airport Hostage can’t be extracted from the rear
- Selection Menu Resources Desync issue
- Player loading sync delay causing join issue due to miss time
- Opening Settings menu causes player to lean forward in stairs
- Door trap instantly deployed when setting up second time
- Match resetting after match ended
- Stuck in planning table, not spawning
- Planning Table remains during selection phase if turned on prior to switch round call
- Interacting with doors also automatically picks up already thrown pick-able utilities
- Map 5 Bullet proof window collision issue ( Bullets going through at times )
- Map 5 Stairs Wall gap ( Allowing to shoot through wall )
- Map 8 ramp type collider allowing to move up the wall
- Rappel window vaulting can clip randomly at times
- Bomb defusal SFX not playing at times
- Unable Use UDC with non wedge-able doors
- Co-Op Suspect shooting immediately without aiming
- Co-Op Suspect taking cover/taking hostage does not react to getting flashed/ Does not surrender
- Co-Op Suspect flashed not syncing
- Co-Op Suspect jittery rotation
- Co-Op Suspect alerted through curtain material
- Co-Op Suspect walking through glass
- Co-Op Suspect walking beside you to reach destination
- Co-Op Suspect going through shutters in Map 6
- Co-Op Suspect not reacting to gun shots from separate floors even when directly visible
- Co-Op Suspect interacting with doors in separate floors
- Co-Op Suspect teleporting caused by door state changes ( Un-related to desync )
- Co-Op Suspect warp to cover in a separate floor
- Co-Op Suspect shooting in client side before showing hostility
- Co-Op causing excessive server cache
- Possible shooting desync issues
- Planning table not showing interaction alerts when playing alone
- Recoil can be somewhat bypassed with single fire mode
- Being able to shoot through shield by clipping weapon
- Map 7 oversized collider issue
- Map 8 Camera clipping inside basement pipe
- Map 2, Map 3 & Map 4 Rappel issue
- Spawn peek Issue in Map 1 Balcony & Entrance
- Spawn peek Issue in Map 4 Alley
- Spawn peek Issue in Map 8 Back Entry
- Weapon magazine model face issue
- Unable to switch between utility 1 and utility 2 when stamina drained
- Confirmation prompt does not close with in-game settings menu
- Shooting while NVG is equipped does not play pump SFX
- Specific hostages look weird when used by suspect as cover
- Sprinting can cause reload SFXs to play twice at the same time
- Odd throw animation when prone and looking above
- Flares stick’s light leaking
- Flash light has a limited distance for render
- Light fixture issues in several maps
- Map 4 several lights leaking out of proportion
- Map 5 Suspects rushing out often
- Map 8 overly Reflective building material
- Added Suspect active shooter attribute to help detect penalty better
- Added Picking up a weapon and staying alive till the end of round will retain the weapon you spawned with
- Added Steam Host team priority ( You will be more likely to join your friend’s team in a match )
- Added Heart beat SFX to local hurt visuals
- Suspects Vertical awareness
- Suspects Alert system
- UDC usage system ( Smoother and easier to use )
- Overall System Optimization
- Map 3,6 Optimization
- AI System Optimization
- Updated Backend Technical System
- Co-Op network call sorting
- Co-Op network safe fail system
- Co-Op Result UI ( More details )
- Region syncs automatically with steam lobby host’s region
- Bullet penetration system
- Movement inertia
- Smooth third person direction change transitions
- Smooth Rappel window vault animation
- Weapon Block Detection system
- Short Stocking length
- Camera Clipping and Positioning System
- Overall Data Saving system
- Steam Cloud Save
- Host migration system for better server stability
- Decal rendering system
- Training ground stair collision
- Grounded detection system
- Ragdolls are moved with bullet fire force prior to dying ( Most noticeable with shotguns )
- Suspect ragdoll physics
- Member name detection
- ADS and reload animation transitions
- Round reset mechanism
- (PvP) Match point for Extracting Hostage to 1000 points
- (PvP) Match point for Defusing Bomb to 800 points
- (PvP) Match points for using utilities up to 100 points
- Anti Spawn peek period to 60 seconds
- Selection Phase duration in Quick match
- Bomb Defuse SFX volume and range
- Stamina Drain for sprinting by 20%
- Suspect AI talking probability
- Suspect AI faster weapon spray regain
- Suspect weapon collection
- Default weapon weights
- (PvP) Match point for getting Kills
- Prone movement speed
- Suspect Turning speed
- Suspect AI whistling probability
- Door Trap effect radius
- UDC render resolution
- All match points reset
- Wearing Armor will only protect the chest and stomach portion of the body
- Defender side can no longer open doors leading outside prior to anti spawn peek period
- Darker ambient lighting when lights are turned off
- Can no longer interact with doors when hands are busy (Ex. Reloading/Checking ammo)
- ADS speed based on movement state
- Wont be able to shoot when transitioning between crouch & prone
- Shooting any form of explosives will explode if shot upon
- Explosives now damage through penetrable objects
- Reworked Weapon spray system
- Co-Op Map 8 now has another objective added
- Co-Op Suspect mentality has been reworked to play more defensive and smart
- Co-Op Suspect weapon block state was added to avoid flash light leaks
- Co-op Securing weapon, ammo refill has been reworked
- Added bullet proof glass texture to bullet proof glass doors
- Added take back item animation
- Stamina drain for shooting will be limited to 75% of the stamina
- Removed ability to initiate rappel when falling
- Removed ability to kick door when using ballistic shield
- Removed ability to defuse bomb when using ballistic shield
- Removed ability to check UDC when in high ready position
- You will lose weapon resource if you die in a round
- Renamed Co-Op “Continue” prompt to “Return to Menu”
- Map 3 & Map 5 Entrance windows are now bullet proof
- Suspects wont shoot when they are speaking
- Changed flash bang effect & lasts longer
- Removed Quick match option for family share
- Sticky utilities will no longer stick to doors or objectives
- Corrected Map 1 Roof Top door overlapping
- Corrected “COOP” to “CO-OP” during selection phase
- Corrected “Doorwedges” to “Door Wedge” during selection phase